Eastman Chemical company released all of their MCHM studies. On their website, they say, “Eastman recognizes that the public is interested in the toxicity studies and is making all of the studies available below. Toxicity studies are technical documents written for trained professionals. Specialized scientific training is needed to use the studies to evaluate the risks to humans based upon animal testing results. Eastman is not in a position to respond to questions from the public regarding the toxicity studies but will continue to work with emergency responders and local, state and federal agencies as needed. Eastman encourages individuals to contact emergency responders and local, state and federal agencies for information related to spill recovery efforts and with any safety or toxicity concerns. If an individual has concerns about his or her health, Eastman encourages them to contact a medical professional. Eastman does not provide medical advice to individuals.”
Crude MCHM Studies:
- Acute Minnow Study
- Acute Daphnia Study
- Ready Biodegradation Study
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Biological Oxygen Demand
- Skin Sensitization
- Ames Assay
- Memo from Unit Director on Hematuria in Oral and Dermal Studies
- 14-Day Dermal Study
- First Acute Oral Study
- Second Acute Oral Study
- Acute Dermal Toxicity Study
- Skin Irritation Study
Pure (Distilled) MCHM Studies: