Water Testing Results from State, Duke and Danville Utilities

Danville Utilities Drinking Water Test Results

Danville Utilities, the operator of the public drinking water supply in Danville, VA tested treated drinking water. Their results are available here:

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (1 of 2)

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (.pdf, 1 of 3)

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (1 of 2)

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (.pdf, 2 of 3)

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (1 of 2)

Danville Utilities public drinking water sample results (.pdf, 3 of 3)

Duke Energy Testing Results
Duke Energy tested both the Dan River and treated drinking water in Danville. Their sampling results are available here (excel file):

Sampling results from the Dan River and drinking water from Duke Energy.

Sampling results from Dan River and drinking water from Duke Energy.

NCDENR Sampling Results

The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources has released more complete results from the sampling they conducted. They have created a webpage with a rundown of their sampling, but their most recent results are available here:

NCDENR Dan River sampling results

NCDENR Dan River sampling results