Incident ID | 1509 |
Date | 2014-04-02 02:00:00 |
Latitude | 38.38862975471967 |
Longitude | -80.77281475067139 |
Testing Results
Parameter | Value |
conductivity | 225.6 |
pH | 8.02 |
temperature | 52.9 |
Incident Description: Caller reported that a mine had dumped something in the creek, making the water muddy and causing an odor. AWW staff checked Muddlety Creek upstream of the town of Muddlety the next day, but did not find anything at that time. It is likely that the discharge had dissipated downstream by that time. We are unsure of the exact location or which mine might be responsible. If anyone has more information about this even, or similar events, please contact AWW.