Observation Number 1002

Incident ID 1002
Date2014-02-02 10:20:00
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Incident Description: 2/2/204 - I stepped outside to check the weather at about 10:20 this evening and I could smell licorice again. This is not the first time and I had actually smelled it prior to the spill. I called 911 to report it and was told they would have someone check it. As of 11:27 I have heard absolutely nothing back from anyone. About 2 weeks ago I called this in and was told that they were doing tanker to tanker transfers at a location behind my house. They sent a volunteer fireman to explain to me that it won't explode nor was it toxic. I asked where he got his information, he told me that they had been there the night before and some "mystery" employee of the state (he could not tell me a name or even who the man worked for) explained it all to him and that people were panicking unnecessarily. I questioned why I was smelling it so heavily. He explained that it was "sticking to the trucks". I asked him to explain further. He said you know on the tires and stuff. I asked why it would be on the tires and he told me because they drive through it and things. I am relatively sure that should not be happening.


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