Incident ID | 1394 |
Date | 2014-02-11 16:00:00 |
Latitude | 38.159590505635094 |
Longitude | -81.5644633769989 |
Testing Results
Parameter | Value |
conductivity | 1016 μS/cm |
pH | 7.67 |
temperature | 41°F |
Incident Description: Testing creek just downstream of Patriot prep plant. The creek leaves the property under the county road, through a large concrete culvert, where it meets a second stream. Testing just above the confluence. The conductivity of the unaffected stream was 391.1 μS/cm, while the conductivity of the impacted stream was 1016 μS/cm. The pH was very similar in both, and within normal range. Collected grab samples for metals, total suspended solids, and volatile organic compound analysis.